Appraisal Calendar
Why should I use this form?
Use this Appraisal Calendar form to define Appraisal Calendar.
Appraisal Calendar specifies the period for which an employee would be appraised. More than one appraisal period can be set up in the organization. Thus you can plan for a whole year in advance.
What are the Pre-requisites?
Who can access this form?
This form shall be visible to all employees to whom the visibility is given in Setup HRMS ® Module Role Mapping/ Module Administration.
How to navigate to this form?
Performance Alignment à Appraisal Calendar à Calendar Setup.
List of existing Appraisal Calendars are shown in the grid. Use the filter section to filter Calendar in the grid based on a condition.
Field guidelines are explained below:
Field Name |
Description |
Calendar |
Enter Name of the Calendar. |
Rating scale to |
Select an existing Rating Scale from the drop down field. It displays the Calendars for which rating scale is already defined. On selection of a particular Calendar, a link ‘View’ will be displayed. Click on the link to view the corresponding rating scale details. View Rating Scale
If you do not want to use the rating scale as defined for another calendar, leave this blank. |
Start Date & End Date |
Select Start Date and End Date for the Calendar. The employee’s performance between these two dates will be appraised. |
Valid Till |
Select the date till when the calendar will be valid. This date may be used as a cut-off date for completion of the Appraisal process. Beyond this date, the employee would be restricted from performing any activity for this Appraisal Calendar like submission of Self Appraisal. Valid Date can be, beyond the Appraisal Calendar End Date. |
Next Appraisal Period |
The date for ‘Next Appraisal Period’ appears automatically on selecting the End Date. Next Appraisal Period refers to the period after the appraisal calendar that is being defined. This period will be assumed as starting immediately after the end date of the Calendar being defined. The end date of the next appraisal period is obtained by adding the number of days which make up the appraisal calendar being defined (start date to end date) calendar to end date of the calendar being defined. |
Comments |
Enter comments. |
Set as Current Calendar |
Selecting this check box makes the calendar as the default calendar for the year. This means that this calendar will be shown by default in upcoming forms. |
Goals Visibility to reportees |
This option facilitates showing/hiding the ‘Visible to Reportees Y/N’ option in the Goal Setting form. If it is selected as ‘Show’ here, then in the Goal Setting form, the option will be available. If selected as ‘Hide’, then the option will not be available in the Goal Setting form. |
Next Year Calendar |
The goals for the next year can be set in ‘Goal Setting’ form and all the approved goals will be displayed in a separate tab in ‘Self Appraisal’ form. |
Goals Carry Forward section This section facilitates the HRFAC to carry forward the approved Goals from the previous calendar to be made applicable for the calendar being defined. |
Carry Forward Goals from |
Select the Calendar from which the Goals have to be carried forward to the current calendar. |
Employee status |
Select the employee status to which the Carried forward Goals will be applicable.
For example, if Calendar ‘App2010-2011’ is selected in the Carry forward Goals from field and ‘Probationer’ in Status, then it means that the Goals of calendar App2010-2011 will be applicable to employees with status ‘Probationer’. |
Set Review |
This option facilitates setting up of review for the current calendar that is being defined. Note: This button will be available only on selecting an existing Calendar and it will not be enabled while creating a new calendar. |
Click [Set Review]. On clicking this button, the Review Details form appears, as shown:
Review Details
This form facilitates defining review for the Calendar. This form has three sections viz., Goal Setting Details, Review Details and Select Status.
Select the Appraisal Calendar from the drop down field. All the Review Groups that are available for the selected Appraisal Calendar are populated in the Review Group Name drop down field.
Select the Review Group Name, View Employees link appears. Click the View Employees link, list of employees will be populated in the grid based on the Review Group mapping.
Click a record from the grid to view/modify the Review type.
To add new Review,
Goal Setting Details
Field Name |
Description |
Goal Setting Start Date |
Select the Goal Setting Start Date |
Goal Setting End Date |
Select the Goal Setting End date |
Goal Setting Notification Days |
Enter the days prior to which the Goal Setting Notification has to be sent to the employees. |
Notification Template |
Select the Template of Goal Setting Notification mail. Note: Mail templates created in Mail Content Builder against the type ‘PMS’ appears in this field. |
Review Details Section
Field Name |
Description |
Review Type |
Select the Review Type for the calendar. Review Start date and End Date should be with in the Appraisal Calendar Start Date and End Date. Available review types are – Review – Review meeting between the Manager and Reportee. Managers will not rate the reportee based on the Goals achieved. Review with Rating – Review meeting between the Manager and Reportee. Managers will the rate reportee based on the Goals achieved. Appraisal – Final Appraisal meeting between the Manager and Reportee.
Review Start Date |
Select the date when the review has to be started. This is the date from when the employees can review their Goals. |
Review Assessment Start Date |
Select the date when the review assessment has to be started. Note: The Assessment can spill over after a next review, but it has to be completed before the next Assessment start date. |
Review Assessment End Date |
Select the date when the review assessment would end. |
Review End Date |
Select the date when the review would end. This is the date till when the employees can review their Goals. |
Percentage Contribution |
Enter the Percentage contribution of the review for the appraisal. This means to specify how much percentage should be taken from the review during self appraisal. Note: Percentage can be entered only if the Review Type is selected as ‘Appraisal’. |
Notification Days |
Enter the number of days prior to which the notification is sent to employees for Goal setting. |
Notification Template |
Select the Template of Goal Setting Notification mail. Note: Items in this field are populated from the Document Templates under Setup HRMS. |
Grace Period (in days) |
Enter Zero in Grace Period. |
Select Status
Field Name |
Description |
Employment Status |
Select the employment status to which the review will be applicable. Selecting the ‘Select All’ check box will select all the listed status. |
And Date |
This feature allows you to select employees based on their date of joining or date of confirmation. You can select employees who have joined prior/ after a specified date or who have joined in between some dates. Similarly, you can select employees whose confirmation date is prior to/ after a specified date or whose confirmation is in between some dates.
It is also possible to combine both the conditions for selecting employees. For example, employees joined after 18th April AND date of confirmation is before 18th May. |
Validation for Review setting
Goal Setting – Start Date and End Date should be less than or equal to the Appraisal Calendar Start Date and End Date.
Review Date – Two reviews should not get overlapped and it should be in between the Appraisal Calendar period.
Review Assessment Date - Two review assessments should not get overlapped and it should be in between the Appraisal Calendar period.
Click [Back] to go back to the Appraisal Calendar form.
Click [Submit] to save the details.
Click [Reset] to refresh the form.