Tax Computation Generate
Why should I use this form?
Use this form to generate Tax computation for selected employees in a selected Pay Group.
What are the Pre-requisites?
· Pay Group should be available
Who can access this form?
This form shall be visible to all employees to whom the visibility is given in Setup HRMS ® Module Role Mapping/ Module Administration.
How to navigate to this form?
Payroll Management àTax à Tax Computation Generate.
The grid in this form shows the list of existing Pay group details. Use the filter section to filter records in the grid based on a condition.
Click the [+] icon on the left top of the grid to show/hide the grid.
Select a Pay group from the grid to process Tax computation.
· Generate Tax Computation – This option generates the Tax computation for selected employees in the Pay Group.
· Generate Mail – This option sends the generated Tax computation as email to the selected employees in the Pay Group.
Select the Pay Date, by clicking on the icon.
All – Select Type as All, this will act as a single click selection to select all the employees in the pay group.
Range – Select Type as Range, to limit the employee search within a range.
Selected Employees – Select Entry type as selection and enter the employees names, separated with a comma.
Click [Refresh]. This populates employees in the selected Pay group on the right pane.
From here, you can choose employees for whom Tax computation has to be generated/ emailed.
Select [Submit] to initiate the Tax computation process.
Click [Reset] to refresh the form.
Post Activity
Tax computation is generated/emailed for all the selected employees.